Why settle for love ?

Isn’t being in love the greatest feeling? Didn’t you feel all them crazy butterflies in your stomach ? And when the relationship was good, it was GREAT, but when it went bad, it was BAD ! You probably wanted to be done and over with the relationship, or did you want to continue in the toxic relationship because you been with this person for 1+ years ? If you picked the second option, your most definitely settling.


Yes being alone may be terrifying or intimidating to someone, but it isn’t that bad,  as I had to learn that on my own. My past relationships has been a rollercoaster that never ends. I had to learn that I’m so young (18 years old) that I will find true love one day. My relationships were never that serious, even though I took some as if they were. 2016 made me learn that, everyone isn’t going to match your loyalty, there not going to love you the same as you do them, and everyone isn’t perfect. Trying to place your needs and happiness on another’s soul, is just going to end with disappointment and failure. We can’t be happy with anyone else if were not happy with our own heart and soul.


I’ve just started loving myself and learning to be alone. During my high school years I always was either in a relationship or talking to some stupid boy. But my senior year changed me a quite bit, because I was battling a almost year relationship and we was either together or we wasn’t. Me and this boy went through so much but we learned from different mistakes. The day we finally broke it off, of course I was heartbroken, but I did my little “glo” up lol and I had to boss up. At the end of the day were always going to be friends, but there could never be an US again. After that I learned to be alone, and it has been amazing lol, I found out where I wanted to go in life, I’m attending Virginia Wesleyan, I’m starting this feminist Harmony blog because I want to establish a empowerment for women (I’ll get into that later on). And there will be ALOT more opportunities I’m getting into for 2017, but I’ll keep that on the low low for now.


Well I’m SINGLE still ! Lol but yes I have met this amazing person, that I think is so intelligent and incredible. Who knows were we’ll go in the future, but I do pray each and everyday, that god will have a great future for the both of us. Until then, I have the most wonderful and kind hearted friend I ever met, and he and I will succeed in this lifetime.


Ladies ! Look in the mirror and tell yourself that your beautiful! Do not settle for someone that doesn’t match your loyalty and love. Do not love unless it’s passionate and extraordinary. Let that love shake you up and make you grow into this incredible person. Let it lead you to adventures and have you wake up and love your life. Most importantly let that person bring you happiness. In the meanwhile date yourself, like me I take myself on dates, like to the movies, dinner, shopping and getting my nails done. Let love find you.

Bye Beautiful Ladies! I hoped you enjoyed my blog post today and come back for more!! Support my movement #Feminist Harmony and follow my instagram @shantelllaa and have a sneak peek of my life. Love you all 😘

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